Today we got our first HP DL380G6 server with 2x 2,8GHz Intel Nehalem, 72GB RAM and 2x 146GB Disks. I have successfully installed VMware ESXi 4 on this box. After this I have started the configuration. In the next days I’m going to run some test on this box and hopefully get the 2nd HP Dl380G6. I’m currently working on …
Read MoreIt was a 7h IBM Workshop about technologies and cloud provider. Amazon EC2 Microsoft Azure Eucalyptus Cloud (Ubuntu) VMware This workshop was very interessting. 🙂
Read MoreCurrently I setup a Windows XP appliance which I would like to use for a new way to manage a VMware ESXi plattform. A colleague had this idea to create an interface to manage ESXi free server’s from any kind of CMS. Some details: OS: Windows XP Software: Apache, PHP, Powershell, VMware PowerCLI, JSON for PHP more …
Read MoreThis one-liner will count all VM’s on a ESX host Get-VMHost -Server | Select Name,@{N="NumVM";E={($_ |Get-VM -Server | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}).Count}} Coding for usage with the VESI: $noConnection = $true if ($global:vmwareManagedHosts) { foreach ($key …
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