Upgrade of VCSA 7.0 to 7.0U1 failed using VAMI
Yesterday I have upgraded my LAB VCSA from to First I had some difficulties using the build in online upgrade which is very likely caused by my bad internet connection. So I have downloaded the VCSA patch iso from: https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/patch
So I have uploaded the iso to a datastore and attached it to the VCSA. In the VAMI the upgrade was listed and I was able to stage the upgrade.
Then the fun started the first upgrade attempt failed with "Update installation failed, vCenter is non-operational" well I checked all services and everything was working as expected.
I fixed this issue by stopping the Appliance Management Service, delete the software_update_state.conf file and start of the Appliance Management Service.
1SSH into vCenter Appliance
3service-control --stop applmgmt
4cd /etc/applmgmt/appliance
5rm software_update_state.conf
6service-control --start applmgmt
Afterwards I reload the VAMI in my browser, login and tried the update again.
But that would have been too easy so I run into the next issue
1020-11-26 16:19:56,909 - 25579 - update_microservice:: _runEvent: 413 - ERROR - Event callback failed: RuntimeError('generator raised StopIteration') 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/usr/lib/applmgmt/update/py/vmware/appliance/update/update_microservice.py", line 213, in installEventHandler\n next(coroutine)\nStopIteration\n\nThe above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "/usr/lib/applmgmt/update/py/vmware/appliance/update/update_microservice.py", line 395, in _runEvent\n next(coroutine)\nRuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration\n'
I was able to pass this issue by running the following commands:
1service-control --stop --all
2rm /etc/applmgmt/appliance/software_update_state.conf
3cp /storage/db/patching.db /var/tmp/patching.db
4rm /storage/db/patching.db
5service-control --start --all
So again login to VAMI and retry the upgrade and hey the next error occured this time a signature could not be verified.

Ok maybe the iso is corrupt so lets check the md5sum.
md5sum is not on the Patch download page its in the release notes ...

1ssh root@ESXI-IP
2cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore01
3md5sum VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
1[root@esxi:/vmfs/volumes/5f98348b-50ae5d4c-aaa5-246e96167ce4] md5sum VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
2md5sum: can't open 'VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-': Device or resource busy
The iso was still connected to my VCSA. So quickly disconnected and re-run the md5sum command.
1md5sum VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-
md5 sum is ok
So I decided to stop the upgrade using the VAMI and try a different way to upgrade using the appliance shell.
- Attach the VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance- file to the vCenter Server CD or DVD drive.
- Log in to the appliance shell as a user with super administrative privileges (for example, root) and run the following commands: To stage the ISO:
1software-packages stage --iso
To see the staged content:
1software-packages list --staged
To install the staged rpms:
1software-packages install --staged
1[2020-11-26T17:30:56.331] : Validating software update payload
2[2020-11-26 17:30:56,094] : Running validate script.....
3[2020-11-26T17:31:06.331] : Validation successful
4[2020-11-26 17:31:06,144] : Copying software packages
5[2020-11-26T17:31:06.331] : ISO mounted successfully 207/207
6[2020-11-26T17:32:31.331] : ISO unmounted successfully
7[2020-11-26 17:32:31,956] : Running system-prepare script.....
8[2020-11-26 17:32:41,008] : Running test transaction ....
9[2020-11-26 17:32:45,102] : Running prepatch script.....
10[2020-11-26 17:35:06,430] : Upgrading software packages ....
11[2020-11-26T17:40:03.331] : Setting appliance version to build 17004997
12[2020-11-26 17:40:03,239] : Running patch script.....
13[2020-11-26 18:00:54,385] : Starting all services ....
14[2020-11-26T18:00:57.331] : Services started.
15[2020-11-26T18:00:57.331] : Installation process completed successfully
Finally it worked.