vROps log bundle automation Part 1
In my role as an onsite GSS Senior TSE at a large VMware customer in Germany I have to collect vROPs log bundles multiple times a week. As this is time consuming manual process I have created a script in my spare-time which fully automates this task.
The script triggers the creation of a log bundle using the CASA API, checks the status of the creation and download the log bundle when it is ready. After successful download it will automatically upload the bundle to sftpsite.vmware.com in the corresponding SR folder.
The script is avialable in my Gogs: vrops-support-bundle
Disclaimer: This is not officially supported by VMware, please use at your own risk.
Steps how to use the script:
Setup an Linux virtual machine as host for the script. A machine with 1 vCPU, 2GB Memory and 100Gb storage is sufficient. The storage can be smaller it really depends on the size of your vROPs environment and the size of the log bundles.
- Perl
- curl
- access to vROPs master on port 443
- direct sftp access to sftpsite.vmware.com
Usage: ./standard_vrops_api.pl MASTER-FQDN
You have to provide the admin user password and the VMware SR number.
- the script collects environment information
- triggers a full log bundle
- checks the status of the log bundle creation
- copy log bundle from all nodes to Master
- download log bundle to local machine
- upload of log bundle to sftpsite.vmware.com
Screenshots and more details will follow in part 2.