Count VM’s on ESX host

  • This one-liner will count all VM’s on a ESX host

     Get-VMHost -Server | Select Name,@{N="NumVM";E={($_ |Get-VM -Server | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}).Count}} 

  • Coding for usage with the VESI:

     $noConnection = $true if ($global:vmwareManagedHosts) { foreach ($key in @($global:vmwareManagedHosts.Keys)) { if (($managedHost = $global:vmwareManagedHosts[$key]) -and ($managedHost.Connected)) { $noConnection = $false Get-VMHost -Server $managedHost.connection | Select Name,@{N="NumVM";E={($_ |Get-VM -Server $managedHost.connection | where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"}).Count}} | Sort Name } } } if ($noConnection) { [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('You must connect to one or more hosts before you can manage the hosts themselves. Please click on the ''Managed Hosts'' node, connect to one or more of the servers you have configured there, and then try again.','Connection not established',[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information) | Out-Null }